Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bill Gates is getting serious about crap

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is apparently sponsoring research to reinvent the toilet!

I think it's fabulous.

A couple of years back, BBC reported that public sanitation was considered by doctors the best medical advance in over a century. It's really sad that it's not available for a large portion of the world. Toilet technology improvements could really make inroads into that. In particular, the ability to process sewage locally, with minimal access to water infrastructure could make huge improvements in quality of life.

Apart from health considerations, the other big benefit they are looking into is use of raw sewage for energy generation (possibly using the energy for processing the waste, to recover water and minerals). Why should it only be cattle whose waste products produce power?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Staying motivated

Annapurna pointed out a nice link. 33 Ways to Stay Creative.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fortune cookie du jour

"Be a Winner."

Glad we cleared that up. Next, I expect I'll get one that says "Buy Low, Sell High."

And the cookie was stale, too. Maybe that was the problem. Do fortunes go bad after a while?