Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Welcome to "It Dawned On Me"

I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while now. I think it's a nice way to tell people about some of the things you're thinking about, without forcing them to listen to you blather on about them on the telephone or jamming their email.

I've been held back so far because of three things:

  1. Time (I have none)
  2. Topic (I'm not sure what to pick that won't make me look ridiculous)
  3. Timidity (see item 2)
However, I have high hopes that maintaining a blog will force me to find time to put my thoughts in order (insofar as I will have to commit them to actual sentences). I rely on you, my friends and family, to keep me straight (in a gentle way).

In lieu of an actual blog topic, in future, look for posts on book/movie reviews, pointers to articles around the net that I find interesting, bizarre factoids, and other tidbits that I hope will liven your day.

Feel free to add comments, and please benefit from others' comments.

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